Thursday 3 September 2015

Scrap matal dealers ‘buy’ Eiffel Tower

Victor Lusting is widely known as ‘the one who sold the Eiffel Tower twice’.

He posed as a government official and lured six scrap metal dealers into purchasing the highly valued monument, after claiming the government was finding it hard sustaining maintenance costs.
After acquiring a huge sum of money from the gullible scrap metal dealers, Victor Lusting disappeared to Venice. The conned dealers then realized they had been fleeced but were too ashamed to report the matter to the police. A month later, Lustig returned to Paris, selected six more scrap dealers, and tried to sell the Tower once more.
This time, the chosen victim went to the police and brought them the counterfeit contract and papers before Lustig could close the deal, but Lustig managed to evade arrest.

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