Saturday 12 September 2015

Crown Paint's New Billboard Causes More Controversy Than Sheila Mwanyigha's Vaseline Shoot

Some of them say that the advert is ingenious others say its misogynistic, but whatever side of the spectrum you are on, you have noticed the new crown paint ad.
Crown paint has been transforming lifestyles since 1958 and instead of going the drab and a little bit cliché was they are revamping their brand with a new color, Metallica. And the slogan is “High Fashion. Low Maintenance. Unlike Your Girlfriend." ai what about!
Here is the billboard that is on everybody's lips.

Nate Kim: When there are so many creative angles you could have taken with 'Metallica'.... You chose misogyny to promote your product?

Donnah Ogeti:The advate(Sic) along ring road is amazing heee big up crown.. ..when building My dream house I'll definitely choose crown ..thanx

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