Friday 18 September 2015

"Kalonzo Visited Me While I was In Prison" Embattled Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu Confesses

For a long time, two of Ukambani’s most prolific leaders Charity Ngilu and Kalonzo Musyoka have been at loggerheads.

And it will certainly be a longtime before Kenyans forget when Ngilu showed they had a bitter rivalry after she snubbed Kalonzo 4 years ago in Itoleka market in Kitui Central.
But despite their squabbles in the past, the two have proven to be friends indeed by helping each other when they were in need. Ngilu stood steadfastly by Kalonzo when he was accused of grabbing large tracts of land in Yatta Machakos County and now she has revealed that Kalonzo has scratched her back too.
According to SDE, Ngilu was full of praises for the former VP saying this about Kalonzo “When I was hungry you gave me food. When I was in prison you visited me. Do you know the one who visited me in prison? I am behind him.”
This unlikely statement was uttered during a prayer meeting at Kitui Town Muslim secondary school.
Ngilu snubbing Kalonzo before they reconciled

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