Thursday 24 September 2015

Arsene Wenger to divorce wife Annie

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger (65) has separated from his wife, Annie
Brosterhous (59). The couple has an 18-year-old daughter.
It was claimed by The Sun that Wenger and partner Annie had a ‘separation of bodies’ judgement issued by a judge in Paris, meaning that they are free to see other people. Wenger is still expected to support Annie financially, The Sun reported.
A source told the newspaper: “They have divided up their assets and agreed a financial package to separate. They have not been happy for a while, and they decided this was the best course of action to take.”
A few weeks before the wedding in 2010, it was reported that Wenger had become close to the then 39-year-old French rapper,  Sonia Tatar.

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