Thursday 17 September 2015

Jamal Gaddafi dismisses Willy Tuva as 'old'

Is there a supremacy battle between TV hosts Willy Tuva and Jamal Gaddafi?
The supposed fall-out between the two began on Twitter, after a fan made a post suggesting that the "new kid" on television entertainment Jamal was Tuva's copy-cat.
"@KTN Kenya @JamalGaddafi He needs to come with his own style of delivery; methinks he's copying @mzaziwillytuva. Maoni tu!" read the tweet.
It was not received well by Jamal especially after Tuva favorited it. He then responded with, "He (Tuva) is good but is timed out with likes of Maradona, Pele among other old players and now it's time for young stars like Messi, Ronaldo and others to shine."
Jamal added in a separate tweet: " I only fear Allah our creator, am bold
it's time for young stars."
However, Tuva dismissed the alleged cold war by saying that, he couldn't remember such a tweet.
He told NEWSPOT254, "I have several accounts and thousands of followers
on my accounts and I don't know or remember such a tweet. He (Jamal) is good in what he is doing but there has never been trouble between us."

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