Thursday 24 September 2015

Kenyans React To The Troubling Mecca Tragedy (Photos)

Sad news trickling in from Saudi Arabia indicates several worshippers have died in a stampede during one of the last rituals of the Hajj season.
The annual Muslim Hajj obviously started off on the wrong foot. 10 days before, 2 million pilgrims made their way to Islam’s holiest city, a crane collapsed killing 107 people at a mosque.
And now as Hajj closes down the curtains, catastrophe strikes again. International news outlets indicate that more 700 people have died in a stampede that occurred during a ritual known as ‘stoning the devil’ in the tent city of Mina, in the outskirts of Mecca.
Report also points out the number of casualties could be more since authorities haven’t accounted for everybody.
The number of those injured from the stampede stands at 800, according to figures released by the Saudi government.
Kenyans lead by president Uhuru Kenyatta have been quick to express empathy, condolences
and show concern for the pilgrims following the disaster. ‘Mecca’ is currently trending second on twitter. A number of Kenyan Muslims had also traveled to Mecca.

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