Wednesday 30 September 2015

Sarabi to government: End poverty!

KENYAN band known for their hard hitting socially conscious songs Sarabi is on a mission . They joined over hundreds of thousands who took to the streets in over 100 countries worldwide under the action/20l5 banner.
They were calling on governments to implement the new Global Goals which seek . to end poverty, inequality and tackle climate change. The mass mobilization came as world leaders gathered in New York at the United Nations to adopt the Global Goals - a historic agreement that has the potential to shape the next 15 years of global development and create momentum for a long-term climate agreement in December.
"Kenyans and other world citizens came together around the global goals, because we believe we can be the first generation to end extreme poverty, we aim to be the most determined generation to fight inequality and
the last generation to address climate change" said Bill Kembo, campaign manager Kenya, Save
the Children. "We all came together to #LightTheWay and call on leaders to turn the Goals from words on
paper into real change. To do this, world leaders must make bold commitments at the UNGA to
implement the Goa ls" added Kembo. The match was held along Harambee Avenue and Parliament Way.

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