Wednesday 2 September 2015

High noon drama as cheating wife busted

It was an extremely unhappy day at ‘Happy night guest house’ in Kirinyaga county, when a man caught his wife,35, pants down with a 70-year-old man.
The leery husband had trailed his wife to the lodging after he suspected she was having an illicit affair.
In a hysteric show of agitation, the husband descended on the elderly rival with blows and kicks before turning his wrath on his wife.
He savagely rained blows and kicks on the lovers, including stripping the old man. The incident attracted a huge group of on lookers who  taunted the adulterous pair with the 70-year-old man  christened ‘Jambaz’ for the affair with a woman half his age.
The offended husband ranted, demanding that the old man refunds the dowry he had paid for the woman then take her with him, as he rained blows
on him in a frenzy. It took intervention of the police to restore sanity and order.

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