Thursday 3 September 2015

DJ Mantix: I was not arrested!

POPULAR mix-master DJ Mantix (below) has rebuffed rumors that he was arrested after a fight broke in a club he was set to perform in on

It was reported that Mantix was in the company of a few friends at a club along
Mombasa Road, when he hit a reveler with a beer bottle after an argument turned ugly. It was alleged that the assaulted person approached their table and started hurling insults, agitating the DJ who then hit him on the head. He was later apprehended by the police, reports said.

“I haven’t been arrested by anybody. I didn’t hit anyone as alleged. But there was a scuffle at the club involving a few friends of mine but we settled it promptly. I went to make peace between the two factions, when the police intervened.
No one was arrested and no one got hit with a bottle,” he in an interview with Word Is.

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