Tuesday 18 August 2015

Bahati wants Kaka Sungura saved, writes him a note

Celebrated gospel artist Bahati Tena seems to be convincing and praying very much for secular artist Kaka Sungura to get saved.

It all started with a collaboration which became the talk of the town with most people criticizing Bahati for collaborating with a secular artist.

On a post he posted on his facebook page, Bahati belives that Kaka Sungura will one become a gospel artist.

Here is the post.

The first time I had this Song ‪#‎KAFIRI‬ I thought for a Moment Rabbit had started singing Gospel Music. It’s one piece that made me think of People differently. In the Bible 1st Samuel 16:7 …though Us men look at the Outward appearance, the Lord looks at the Heart. And for so Long this bro has always been in my Prayers. I happened to Meet King Kaka’s MUM two Weeks ago Just b4 the release of ‪#‎KUCHU_KUCHU‬ and One thing she testifies is Rabbit has grown in Church as a God fearing Child.”Ken ndio alikua anachora Zile Picha za Yesu amebeba Msalaba zakubandika Sunday School” I can well Remember her words. “Naniumuambia aimbe wimbo za Kanisa” But I told her God’s timing is always the Best and in God’s time I know he will Crossover. I have Testimonies from Different people, Fans & even Producer to Our New Release; that Rabbit could ask for time to Pray b4 the Recording Session. I know People view it Differently. Some May Come up to Judge but remember Romans 3:23 …all have fallen short of His glory.No Man is righteous. For King Kaka; all I know is God is smiling He heard your Voice in a Gospel song for Every Dad rejoices getting a Message from a Son.And Romans 8: 16 His Spirit bears with me that You’re a Child of GOD!!! My Prayer is after this Song Your Relationship with GOD will never be Same Again”

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