Tuesday 11 August 2015

Airtel shikisha stori advert... reminds us our moms,

Have you checked the all time Airtel advert on 5* airtime, shikisha stori, wherever you spend airtime on your Airtel line?!!

This is one of the adverts you play over and over just to watch how this guy's mother reacts when he tells her that he wants to be a rapper.

It reminds me of my mother whenever either me or my siblings told her about the careers we want to do in live. Let it be not what she wants us to be and you will see her other side.

Beside the advert being the best designed advert it also comes with moral teachings, as a parent you should be so fast to react on what your children tell you, May be they are just making fun of you as this guy is doing to his mother to get the 5* airtime.

Have time with your kids, talk to them about their dream careers, advise them instead of shouting to them.

Anyway the advert is so cool, you will want to play it again and again, catch it here...

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