Thursday 8 October 2015

Did Rabbit reply to Vigeti’s diss track?

When Johnny Vigeti released Simba his alleged diss track aimed at local rappers, the later scampered for safety.

The hit list included several rappers but Rabbit aka King Kaka and Khaligraph Jones were in line of fire and both claimed they ‘respected the legend” and wouldn’t reply. But in music you can never say never as Rabbit has now replied to the diss track in Tuliza Nyavu, a song he was featured in by Susumila. In the Simba, Vigeti claimed that apart from the likes of Rabbit did respecting him, he is back as the ‘don’ (landlord) of Kenyan hip-hop and he was back to collect royalties (rent). But Rabbit doesn’t see it that way. He called Vigeti a con, (landlord laghai) in his verse and went ahead to diss other rappers who dissed his song Ugali. Now this is going to get some tongues wagging.

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