Tuesday 5 July 2016


"I love going out, I really do.  And I miss being out there having fun and making some mistakes. But I have a family now, and kids to take care of" So many people can relate to this statement. 
Life been too hard on you and you wanna go have some fun, but you stuck because you don't know what to do with your little ones?  You want to catch up with your girls, or boys,  and its your turn baby sitting? You have no free friend or family to leave angels with? Or probably day cares and sleepovers for the kids is not your thing? Tag them with you, go have some fun. As family!
But where?
I took a travel around Tharaka Nithi County. And this question got so trivial for me after the discoveries I made. I mean, there are so many places one can have a family day out at and not feel guilty about having to set the bundles of joy aside.  Drink from my discovery well.  Explore these five places with me.  
Located along the Embu Meru Highway, Just some kilometers  past Chuka University, this hotel provides the family with a sense of being, belonging, comfort and freedom.
First things first. The food.
Ask me anything I want in the middle of my sleep and I will shout 'food'. I mean, thats what I study at school. Lol. I came here to get information on the place and while at it, I got a special encounter with the chef, and I ain't looking back. Here offers the sumptuous meals you want to eat on a getaway or a Sunday lunch. The cuisine oozes of exotic aromas, you won't have to ask the way to the dining room here. The ambience and the sweet smells just take your mind off the troubles for a minute.
Moving on.
The club hall.
Party lovers, where are you? You probably don't have to search anymore. Come dance and twist it to the beats from the in_house deejay gigs everyday!!! I mean, what else would you be looking for?
Aaaand, they host a live artist gig every Saturday. Are you really going to miss this and here the tales from people? Its happening this Saturday too. Get your soul to Gerish. It needs some beats!!
Come unto me and I shall show you where to beg mommie to take you next time. Nithi Gerish has all the things I would have given anything to see and play with   while growing up. From swings, merry_go rounds, to slides and bouncing castles.  And you know what, you can enjoy your favourite punch while at it.  They have a Kid's World gig every Sunday,and a family fun day too.  Why on earth would your after Church hours be boring and uneventful anymore?  Take the ride!
Traveling and you stuck up on the way? Take the swing off the highway and grab an accommodation for yourself at Nithi Gerish.  For just  1000 Kenya shillings for a single room and 1500 For a double room with exquisite ambience and free air. Could it get any better?  Family fun got too intense and getting back home ain't an option? Just lodge where your party started. Damn!  Life is just getting better nowadays, isn't it!?
Probably wondering, is that all?
Nop.  They have a variety of all other services too. At affordable negotiable prices depending on what you aim at getting.
1. Outside catering
2. Conference halls- for up to 200 people
3. You hosting a party around? People to   
talk to.   
And you get to have a full  photo session absolutely free when you check in!

M done explaining, let the pictures do the rest! 

This place, super lovely.  U don't want to miss it while you search for your ultimate family experience. I am definitely going back!!!

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