Tuesday 5 July 2016


Chuka- Meru Highway, just before you get to Chogoria. This place is just out of this world. The long green lawns, quiet ambience, outside air,  cozy  feel under umbrella trees that make you want to sit outside all day.
You haven't had a perfect getaway if you haven't spent a day or a weekend at Kilimo Talii lodge. You are looking for a quiet place to read your book while you enjoy a smoothie under the skies away from the hustle and noise in the towns, well, your troubles are done.

1.The lawns
You can lie and roll on them all day without a care in the world. A whole stretch of just green, well manicured lawns, with a touch of umbrella trees just incase your sun gets too much. Its cold, I know. But well covered up, your blankets can bite the walk permit for this place.
Perfect place for the kids to play their castles build up or fly their kites while you enjoy a good view and sip from the joy and comfort of watching your kids play their childhood away.
What more can you do with these lawns?
Photo shoots
Wedding receptions
Graduation parties
Outdoor cocktail parties
Do I really need to keep listing? Anything you want to do on a perfect outdoor platform, is doable here.

2. The conference hall and dining room
This one is something you haven't seen in a million years.  The high thatch building that sums up as the face of this lodge, looks as pretty inside as it looks from the outside. What better place to hold your indoor parties, graduation parties, whatever. The art on the walls will make you fall in love with your heritage. African detail.
3. The cottages
Outside,  you are getting into a traditional hut with the label "cottage"  on its wall. But a different kind of experience is given to you on the inside. Modern. Detailed. Glamorous.The beds well spread and the rooms well cleaned, just waiting for your tired body to take a wanted rest. The washrooms make you want to jump in and take a shower in the middle of your day.
I was just taking walk past, I definitely must have an experience of spending a night or two in one of these cottages. Didn't I just love these pretty little cottages with everything you need for your comfort in a sleeping room including a full bouquet paid T.v access on a mounted LCD?
And then
Where did I leave this one?
The food!!!
Try the chicken, and wash it down with your choice of drink from the full stocked bar?  It just makes you mellow. Specially made for you. Alacarte style. Fresh and Spicy, just as you may like.
You just have to order a meal, for you, or kids, or family course, relax on the lawns, and wait while its delivered to you "coming to America's king of Zermuda" style.
This place is a must do, if you are tired of the noise and hype in the towns and cities.
Feed your eyes to the scenery below. 


Three more coming up on my next post. Keeps your wallets ready. Let's explore Tharaka Nithi County
Have a lovely Thursday. 


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