Saturday 6 June 2015

Ten men escape police arrest narrowly in Mwala

Ten men were forced to run for their lives after they were ambushed by police as they made a road leading to sand harvesting river in Mwala, Machakos county.

The 10 were ambushed by police last night at Kundu river in Mwala, Machakos county as they prepared the road leading to the river.

The police responded to a tip from area residents who have being against sand harvesting in the area for a long time.

Yatta OCPD Edward Changach confirmed the report where he warned those who are involving in the sand business that there days are numbered.

“I received a tip from the public that ten men were preparing the road which leads to the river with an intention of fetching sand, immediately I discharged my officers...”

Edward also confirmed that they were not able to arrest any of the 10 men as they disappeared on police arrival.

Edward also warned that the rules set by NEMA and the Machakos county govt on environment should be followed by everyone and that he will not allow anybody to violate the rules.

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