Friday 12 June 2015

Kasoa applauds electricity connection cost reduction

Mbiuni Ward MCA in Machakos county Thomas Mweu Kasoa has applauded the move by the national govt to reduce the cost of electricity connection in the country.

During his visit to Machakos county two weeks ago president Uhuru Kenyatta announced the reduction of the electricity connection by half from the previous Sh35,000 to Sh15,000.

Kasoa said that the move is a great benefit to the common mwananchi as everyone from any class of life will be able to acquire the commodity.

Speaking to journalists in Machakos town on Wednesday, Kasoa added that this will help improve businesses in the county and better the commoners living standards.

“The common mwananchi will now be able to be connected with electricity, because previously electricity was just acquired by the rich due to the high connection cost, we applaud what the president did and now many will get electricity,” Kasoa said.

The MCA also called on Machakos county residents and Kenyans to take adavantage of the reduced cost and apply in large numbers to be connected with electricity.

Kasoa also called on political leaders across the country to unite and put away there political differences to advocate for development to benefit the common mwananchi.

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