Saturday 6 June 2015

Govt to use Sh8b on Machakos hospital

The national government has announced that is will spend Sh8bn to improve health facilities in Machakos county.

Speaking while he led the upgrading of Machakos level 5 hospital to a refferal hospital, president Uhuru Kenyatta said that his government will take modern equipments to hospitals in Machakos county.

Speaking on Wednesday at Machakos level 5 hospital president Uhuru Kenyatta also urged the Machakos county government to continue expanding the hospital to create more space for the new equipments.

Uhuru has added that the cancer screening equipments which have already been disbursed to the hospital are expected to help very much in saving lives of patients in the county and the country too.

“Many have lost their lives because they could not simply get cancer screening, many have died because of lack of ICU in the hospital, we now have six ICU bed and the governor has said that he is working to increase them”, Uhuru said while addressing residents.

Either the president who was accompanied by his deputy William Ruto has showed his disappointment on some of the governors who have opposed the cancer machines which are donated to the counties by the national government.

Uhuru called on the governors to stop politicking with the lives of the people who voted them.
“If we are going to politic even which the healths of our people, I think there is something seriously wrong with us people as Kenyan”, Uhuru said.

Machakos county is the first county to benefit with the cancer machanes which will cost the national government over Sh38bn.

Deputy president William Ruto who was also present has assured governor who has been opposing the programme that all the cost will settled by the national government sidelining romors that governors will be forced to settle some of the machines expenses.

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