Tuesday 12 May 2015

Property of unknown value burnt down in Makivenzi ABC girls secondary, Yatta

Residents in Yatta, Machakos county and Makivenzi Girls Secondary students have struggled and put out fire which had caught the school's dormitory on Sunday night.

Property of unknown value including student's valuables were burnt to ashes in the incidence which brought the school activities to a stand still.

Confirming the fire Yatta OCPD Edward Kipsang has said that among the property burnt was Matresses and students boxes.

Kipsang has also said that police has launched investigation to look into the cause of the fire.

Kipsang either said that no student was injured or any casualties recorded in the fire as the students were in classes when the fire started.

He has also thanked area residents who came to help the students in putting out the fire saying that it could have caused a major mess if they had not intervened.

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