Friday 15 May 2015

Murkomen accuse Jubilee for dragging Raila in corruption

Uasin Gishu senator Kipchumba Murkomen led ODM party members in accusing Jubilee Alliance for dragging CORD leader Raila Odinga in the alleged scum involving Deputy President William Ruto.

The scum involving the Deputy President is of the rehabilitation of Moi Reffereal hospital in Eldoret which is in Uasin Gishu county.

A Nairobi based businessman last week revealed that the rehabilitation was to cost Sh17bn which was later changed to Sh28bn by people allied to the deputy president's office.

The ODM members addressing journalists at Orange house in Nairobi on Tuesday called on the govt to explain the claims of corruption surrounding the rehabilitation of the Eldoret based referral hospital instead of accusing Raila.

Murkomen said that the ODM party is bitter with DP William Ruto and they are doing everything to discredit him by not allowing him to ascend to power.

“This fight is about the preparation of the succession of William Ruto being the president of Kenya in 2022...” Murkomen said.

Addressing the same forum ODM elections director Junet Mohamed added “You cannot have a skunk in your house and say the smell belongs to someone else. You must own both the smell and the skunk,”

Junet also accused the Jubilee govt of been driven by anger and greed in its leadership.

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