Monday 11 May 2015

Archbishop Ndambuki says Kalonzo is the man president

ABC Kenya leader Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki has said that Kalonzo Musyoka is the person Kenyans should elect as their next president.

Speaking when he led Sunday service at ABC Makadara in Nairobi Ndambuki said that Kalonzo is the only leader who has the ability to unite the country.

Kalonzo Musyoka is the former vice president, CORD co principal and Wiper Democratic party leader.

Ndambuki added that Kalonzo is very patient on which his patient has led to the respect the Kamba community enjoys in the country.

“As I spaek to you now, I am seeing Kalonzo as a uniting factor, we are not the same again...”Timothy said.

Kalonzo is expected to go to the ballot in 2017 with the current president Uhuru Kenyatta if he will win in the CORD nominations which he will use as his campaigning machine.

In the CORD nominations Kalonzo will battle it out will ODM's Raila Odinga and Bungoma County senator Moses Wetangula.

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