Wednesday 20 May 2015

Kisii police probing attack on two journalists

Kisii county police are probing an incident where two journalists were attacked during the chaos that erupted after a lorry killed two people under controversial circumstances.

Chaos erupted in the town after Gusii Institute students took to the streets last week complaining over the lorry which was carrying electric poles that knocked two students.

Nyanza regional coordinator Willy Lugusa has said that police are probing the attack on the two journalists who are based in Kisii.

Lugusa says that the National Police Service does not condone attacks or intimidation of members of the fourth state and will take stern action on whoever committed the act.

The officer has assured that action will be taken after the senior officer assigned to the case completes investigations.

“We can not condone incidents where members of the fourth state are intimidated or harassed by anybody, be they police officers or not...”, Lungusa said.

Speaking today at his office addressing journalists Lungusa affirmed that he is sure the officer assigned to the duty will do a good job and those capable will be brought to book.

Friday 15 May 2015

Murkomen accuse Jubilee for dragging Raila in corruption

Uasin Gishu senator Kipchumba Murkomen led ODM party members in accusing Jubilee Alliance for dragging CORD leader Raila Odinga in the alleged scum involving Deputy President William Ruto.

The scum involving the Deputy President is of the rehabilitation of Moi Reffereal hospital in Eldoret which is in Uasin Gishu county.

A Nairobi based businessman last week revealed that the rehabilitation was to cost Sh17bn which was later changed to Sh28bn by people allied to the deputy president's office.

The ODM members addressing journalists at Orange house in Nairobi on Tuesday called on the govt to explain the claims of corruption surrounding the rehabilitation of the Eldoret based referral hospital instead of accusing Raila.

Murkomen said that the ODM party is bitter with DP William Ruto and they are doing everything to discredit him by not allowing him to ascend to power.

“This fight is about the preparation of the succession of William Ruto being the president of Kenya in 2022...” Murkomen said.

Addressing the same forum ODM elections director Junet Mohamed added “You cannot have a skunk in your house and say the smell belongs to someone else. You must own both the smell and the skunk,”

Junet also accused the Jubilee govt of been driven by anger and greed in its leadership.

Machakos MCAs have a say on the MCAs bill in National Assembly

Machakos county MCAs also had different opinions on the bills tabled in the National Assembly by Kisumu West MP Alango Aluoch.

Alango's bill states that any Kenyan seeking election in the MCA position should have education level not below o' level.

Muthwani MCA Dominic Maitha supported the bill saying that it will help streamline the county assembly by putting in people who are well conversant with the and the English language which is mostly used.

“It will help streamline the county assembly because most of the times you find somebody elected to the position and he cannot talk the English spoken in that house”, Dominic said.

Addressing journalists in Machakos town on Wednesday Mbiuni MCA Thomas Kasoa also added wight on Dominic's remarks saying that position needs educated people who will help in making valid laws in the house.

“We want educated people in the county assembly who can help make laws, we don't want people who can not even contribute during debates...”, Thomas said.

Either some MCAs opposed the motion saying that the position requires hard work and commitment but not really education.

Nominated MCA Bernadette Mueni argued that politics never requires education but how the elected is devotion to serve the people.

“Politics is not all about education, but how one is devoted to serve the people who gave him/her the position”, Mueni said.

Water mapping youths still asking for their pay, Machakos

More than 400 youth from Machakos county who were contracted by the county govt in its water mapping project are still calling on the county govt to pay them.

The youths say that they completed the job long time ago and up to date they have never been paid their money.

The youths were contracted to collect data on the homes in the county which could be used by the county to supply water to every home.

Speaking to journalist the youths have revealed that they completed the job on the 4th of April and since then they have not been paid even a since peny.

The youths say that they have been on an up and down game with the county govt because whenever they ask for their money they are told that it was disbanded to their bank just to find nothing when the check with their banks,

“When we ask for our money we are told that they have been disbanded to the banks and will reflect in our accounts, we have gone to the banks many times even the bank operators know us...” our of the angry youth said.

The youths now want the county govt to declare to them about the money if they are not going to pay them to forget and stop asking for the money.

Either Economic, Trade and planning administrator Sheila Mukonyo has confirmed that the payment issue of this youths is been addressed.

Sheila also urged the youths to be calm and patient and they will get their money.

“In fact some of their colleagues have already been paid, the payment is still on going, they will receive their money”, Sheila said.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Property of unknown value burnt down in Makivenzi ABC girls secondary, Yatta

Residents in Yatta, Machakos county and Makivenzi Girls Secondary students have struggled and put out fire which had caught the school's dormitory on Sunday night.

Property of unknown value including student's valuables were burnt to ashes in the incidence which brought the school activities to a stand still.

Confirming the fire Yatta OCPD Edward Kipsang has said that among the property burnt was Matresses and students boxes.

Kipsang has also said that police has launched investigation to look into the cause of the fire.

Kipsang either said that no student was injured or any casualties recorded in the fire as the students were in classes when the fire started.

He has also thanked area residents who came to help the students in putting out the fire saying that it could have caused a major mess if they had not intervened.

22 years old man disappears after drowning in water, Yatta

Residents and the govt in Kibaoni, Yatta sub county have spend the night at Athi River in the area looking for the body of a 22 years old man who drowned in the river.

The man is said to have slipped to the water yesterday while he was with his other two friends as they tried crossing the river but the two managed to swim out.

Kibaoni chief James Masai has said that swimming experts have being helping them in searching for the body but up to now they have not succeeded yet.

Masai has also called on area residents to avoid crossing rivers on their own during this rainy season to avoid more deaths.

This comes as three deaths due to drowning have been recorded in Kikambuani, Kithimani and Kibaoni in Machakos county last week only.

Monday 11 May 2015

Archbishop Ndambuki says Kalonzo is the man president

ABC Kenya leader Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki has said that Kalonzo Musyoka is the person Kenyans should elect as their next president.

Speaking when he led Sunday service at ABC Makadara in Nairobi Ndambuki said that Kalonzo is the only leader who has the ability to unite the country.

Kalonzo Musyoka is the former vice president, CORD co principal and Wiper Democratic party leader.

Ndambuki added that Kalonzo is very patient on which his patient has led to the respect the Kamba community enjoys in the country.

“As I spaek to you now, I am seeing Kalonzo as a uniting factor, we are not the same again...”Timothy said.

Kalonzo is expected to go to the ballot in 2017 with the current president Uhuru Kenyatta if he will win in the CORD nominations which he will use as his campaigning machine.

In the CORD nominations Kalonzo will battle it out will ODM's Raila Odinga and Bungoma County senator Moses Wetangula.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Govt ban bodaboda operations in Matuu

The govt through the police department in Matuu, Machakos county has banned bodaboda operations in Matuu after 9.00pm.

This was announced by Matuu Division OCPD Edward Kipsang when he led an operation to search for motorbikes which don't adhere to road rules.

In the operation more than 50 motorbikes were arrested .

Kipsang has warned bodaboda operators in the area that whoever will be arrested doig the business after 9.00pm will be charged as a robbery suspect.

Kipsang has added that most motorcyclists can not be trusted following protests which they held a few weeks ago injuring a police officer.

The cylists who were in the demonstrations are said to have wanted to follow the injured officer in hospital for a reason which has not yet been established.

“We have an operation that is ongoing, and motorcycles operations should seize at 09.00pm, yaani saa tatu usiku...” Kipsang said.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Machakos Mau Mau veterans present petition to the county assembly

The Association of people who fought for the country's independence, The Mau Mau War veterans Association have presented a petition to the Machakos county Assembly seeking recognition by the county govt.

The group's top agenda in the petition is asking the county govt to take care of the unable veterans from the county who are sick by providing free treatment in the county hospitals.

Speaking after presenting the petition to the assembly today(Tuesday) outside the assembly building the National Secretary General of the group Gitu wa Kaegeri has also called on the Machakos county govt to help the veterans in the county with food since most of them are living a poor life.

Kaegeri has said “The county should build monuments... and if it is possible those veterans who cannot buy medicine be treated in the county hospitals for free..”

Machakos county Assembly speaker Bernard Mung'ata speaking to journalists after receiving the petition said that the document will be taken through the parliamentary procedures.

Confirming receiving the petition Munga'ata has also confirmed that the petition will be presented before the county assembly immediately after they open from recess.

“The document will be taken before the parliament procedures and will be the first business of the house once we open from recess”, Mung'ata said.

The veterans have also called on the Machakos county govt to set aside funds in its budget to support the elderly in the rural area of the county.

Mixed reactions in Machakos over infotrak ranking report

Leaders and residents of Machakos county are raising mixed reactions over the Infotrak survey that ranked the county number one in developments.

In the report Machakos county was ranked number one in most of the departments development wise that were devolved from the national govt.

Most of the county assembly members were very overjoyed by the report terming it true saying that this is a clear indication of what they have been talking about Machakos county.

“This shows that what we have been talking about Machakos is true, some went around saying that we have embezzled funds, but the survey has proved that Machakos is the leading county in the country...”, said one of the MCAs.

The MCAs called on those who are against Governor Alfred Mutua to join hands and support him to maintain the position that they were even in the previous survey.

Either some of the residents and leaders opposed the report arguing that those who were involved in the survey were not Machakos residents but outsiders.

Some MCAs even said that they never heard any of their residents say that they were asked questions for Machakos to be ranked number one.

The Machakos county Governor Alfred Mutua either reputed the claims by those opposing the report.

In a sitting with journalists at his office, on Wednesday lauded the survey for giving the truth and also asked Machakos county residents to continue praying for the county govt for better work and projects in the county.

Mutua either promised the residents more telling them that what he has done in two years was just a phase setter for better things to come.

Machakos among counties to benefit with cancer machines

Machakos county is among four chosen counties that will benefit from a cancer machine to be put up by the national govt.

Besides Machakos other counties chosen are Homabay, Kakamega and Thika in Kiambu county level five hospitals

Announcing this Health CS James Macharia has warned that 20% of Kenyans are at risk of getting cancer and other diseases due to poor lifestyle and eating habits.

Macharia also said that the government will start a campaign to sensitize Kenyans to go for cancer screening for early detection of cancer.

According to Macharia the machine have already been acquired and will be in the country anytime this month.

He was speaking in a city hotel breakfast hosted by the first lady Margaret Kenyatta for sponsors of the 9th prostate and cervical cancer conference to be held in Kenya late in the year.

“Let me confirm to you that we chose Machakos, Kakamega, Homabay and we chose Thika...” Macharia said

Macharia did not hesitate to confirm that the first fully equipped cancer hospital will be opened in Machakos before the end of this month.

On her part first lady Margaret Kenyatta has urged Kenyans to improve on their eating habits to avoid cancer.

Two cattle herders beaten by angry residents in Kitui

Two cattle herders from Garissa county were on Wednesday morning beaten by angry residents of Kakungu area, Kyuso sub county, Kitui county.

The herders who are nursing serious injuries at Mwingi level 4 hospital were been accused by the residents for invading their farms.

Kyuso sub county commissioner Faith Shaban has confirmed that Mahamud Ibrahim and Hassan Ibrahim are admitted at Mwingi level 4 hospital following the injuries they sustained after they were attacked by the angry residents.

The herders who were grazing camels are accused by the residents for grazing the animals in the residents farms which had been cultivated.

The two who were seriously injured were among a group of five other herders from Garissa who sustained minor injuries after they managed to escape the attack.
Fight erupted after the herders started a quarrel with residents after they were found grazing in the farms.

Commissioner Shaban has added that investigations have been launched to search for the people who attacked the herders.