Friday 24 June 2016


 Growing up, storytelling was an unquenchable thirst that I had. My dad being the liberal minded Kenyan man, made it his personal goal to make sure that his youngest daughter got her daily dose of "old cat and mouse- hare and lion" stories.

Growing up in the village was probably the best of the things that ever happened to me. I never had to travel to grandma's for 'the stories'. I mean, grandma was just a few walks across the yard away. And grandma had friends who could bring the tales to my radius on demand.

Years down the line, late grandma and late dad away, I miss these moments. Sitting here with my phone on one hand, laptop on thighs and other hand on mouse, I wonder what would I have to give to get a share of those good old tales😯. It makes me want to understand this strange yearn I have for stories.
Humans, beyond all reasonable doubt have an unexplainable interest in stories, and storytelling. That probably is the reason you would sit curled up on the couch all day, covered up in a duvet with a mug of coffee and watch a movie, a series, a stand up comedy?
Stories unite people. Stories bind us with a sense of knowing. Terms as 'yeeeea,I have that feeling, 'uuuuuh.' 'I know, yea' ' I have had such an experience'
Are terms we all can relate with when we listen to our friends, family,colleagues. The yearning to know more is unquenchable.
 As humans, words are perhaps our most powerful weapons and tools.They  have crushed souls and built empires. Probably heard the story of Scheherazade, a young girl in ancient Persia, who was to face execution the next morning. She had agreed to marry the king, who had an unstoppable urge for blood.,
The king’s first wife cheated on him, and he felt so angry and bitter that he decided to make sure it
never happened again: by having a  new virgin wife every night and having her decapitated the
next morning.
But Scheherazade wasn’t just stunningly beautiful; but also extraordinarily smart. Her plan was to get the king from his bloodthirsty frenzy.
Every night, she would tell him a bewitching, sweet story he had ever heard and would interrupt it right at its peak, promising to continue the next day. And every time, the king would spare her life for  just one more day.
But for how long could she continue with this dangerous game?
You’ll have to wait to find out. But first, let’s take a close look at the power of words.
Words can create, and demolish. In equal measure. They can inspire, crush in equal measure. Stories and narrations can give someone a reason to yearn for the next day, and they can also be the reason one wishes the world would just end.
So for all its worth, can stories just remain part of us?can someone get me someone to give me my old telltale stories?
Just how much stories can a human give?and how much love do they ooze of?
Probably these questions will be answered by some stories that someone will choose to help me then.
I just love stories, and I hope you do too. Because they define us.
Thanks for stopping by.

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