Monday 27 June 2016


So, something went wrong and you feel like the living should just come to an end? A relationship just ended and the pain just won’t go away? Your business stalled? You feel like people around you don’t care? So you got sacked, and you just do not understand where to go or what to do, with yourself?
The good thing is, this is a world. And the beauty of it? It’s not just you that makes up the world. We all have problems. And trust me; you do not want to listen to a lot of some other people’s problems. The thing to do is not letting it get into your head. And it is not easy. Not letting things that have crushed you get into your head.
So what to do?
1.       Cry, break something, scream under your pillow, or better still find a lonely spot in the hills and shout it out to the skies.
Whatever you do, just find a way that works for you and let it out of your system. Crying does it for me, perfectly! But someone else would feel better strangling her bear under the pillow, or hugging it tight till it hurts. Do not slash your wrist though, I mean, just be safe!!
After a mistake is done, when the pain is fresh, when you done trying to mend the pieces, and you are sure they won‘t stick back together any time soon, get it out of your system.

2.       Appreciate that the past happened.
Sometime back, my very trusted friend who at some point I would have wanted to have the honor of calling a “special male friend” disappointed me, big time. I was ok, yea. But who am I kidding, I was broken! And I had this burning desire to tarnish his image, go yell to the world,” this idiot broke my heart.” But one thing I appreciated, is that however much I felt hurt at this moment, I had good memories, lessons learnt, steps made into the positive future from my encounter with this person. And that was enough!
The past has happened, and at some point, it brought a smile to your face. So appreciate it. Do not burn bridges. You might need to use them, someday!

3.       Focus on you
So you were born, ALONE. Somewhere along the way, you picked people up. The thing is, those who were meant to be in your life at this moment, still are. The work you were expected to have finished by this point in your life, it’s done. Your purpose in someone’s life or their purpose in yours, as set by God, is accomplished. So however lame it looks or sounds to you, it’s done. FINITO.
So do you.
Focus on doing things that help you be a better you. Lose the extra weight, read books, use your savings and think of an alternative source of income, go out, talk it out, eat well. Do yoga. Write. Be Strange. Just focus on you for a moment.
A better you will always attract a better next!

4.       Wondering what to do next? Hold on! They always come back, and time always makes things better. Always!
In years, months, weeks, probably days, things will get lighter. Time just has its own way of standardizing events. Do not hurry anything. The pain will fade away, the feeling of worthlessness? It will go. You will get so attached and excited about yourself, you will wonder why you got crushed in the first place.
Everyone likes associating with someone that has a relationship with themselves before they can even start setting the circles around them.
Time heals all wounds, and they always come back.
While you wait, keep making you good for yourself!

I trust these help you through this. I know because it’s worked almost every time. Including with me.
All the best while you heal from the mistakes, learn and move on. So long.
Have a lovely Tuesday


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