Thursday 1 February 2018

Curb your enthusiasm movie review

The episode 8 of season 3 of the comedy series Curb your enthusiasim starts at an engagement party thrown by Cheryl and Larry ends up hooked by a boyfriend who eagerly narrates his adventures in oral sex. Wanda Sykes has gotten engaged to a super- dupe rapper Krazee Eyes-killer.Larry is completely amazed by his boyfriends narrations.
This episode has a less strong magnetism of frame with characters close to each other indicating their friendship and craziness.


The wentworth prison is a TV series whose genre is crime,drama: In this drama Bea Smith is locked up while waiting trial for the attempted murder of her husband where she must learn how life works in prison.
Episode 8 of the wentworth season 1 starts with mind games where there is blackmailing among actors who are prisoners in this dramatic and often confronting series.


Cancer occurs when cells of parts of the body grow uncontrollably forming lumps of tissues called tumors. Oral Cancer is commonly known as mouth cancer. It appears as a lesion or a tumor anywhere in the mouth on the surface of the tongue, salivary glands, in the tonsils, in the cheek, gums and the surface of the tongue.
Oral cancer like many types of cancer does not often show its signs and symptoms in its early stages. Exceptionally though smokers and heavy drinkers (as drinking and smoking contribute the oral cancer causes) may identify early signs and are therefore advised to regularly have checkups with the dentist.



Gallbladder is an organ under the liver that stores bile juice which helps in digestion of food. Gallbladder cancer occurs when the cells around the gallbladder grow uncontrollably forming lumps known as tumor. This type of cancer is however very rare. In treating gallbladder cancer, there are a team of doctors which include; surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and gastroenterologist.

Main Gallbladder Cancer Causes and Risk Factors

Like many other types of cancer, gallbladder cancer causes is not yet known but there are however several elements that can increase chances of getting it.However, having one or more of these gallbladder risk factors may not necessary put one at the risk of gallbladder cancer. They include;




Purpose of the project and questions
A dissertion healthcare study was constructed to evaluate rate at which healthcare administration is meeting its global goal of graduating healthcare administration students that have experiential knowledge and skill in the healthcare industry. The overall framework of the study was based on the work of (Clark and Estes, 2008). The disserting study includes one multi-item scale that assesses four- healthcare model concepts: 1) cultural models involving general resistance and culture of complacency 2) cultural settings including job responsibilities and lack of infrastructure and resources.3)knowledge influence which tackled on metacognitive skills and procedural skills. 4) Motivation influence which based on safe-efficacy and attributions. A complete performance evaluation would focus on all stakeholders, for practical purposes the stakeholder focused on in this analysis was the Healthcare Administration Program Administrators (Helena Seli, 2017).